Sunday, October 23, 2005

BnC Drabble: Restin' 'Ere with Me (G)

Challenge: Drabble - Snuggling
Title: Restin' 'Ere with Me
Author: DearOne
Beta: None
Rated: G
Warning(s): None
Genre: Romance, fluff
Pairing: Charis/Swithin
Previously on BnC: N/A
Summary: Swithin ponders about Charis.
POV: Swithin
Disclaimer: c l i c k.
Feedback: Yes please.
Completed: 05.06.04


There was a time when I couldn't hold her when she slept. Not because she didn't want me to, but because it was impossible for her.

She didn't sleep. Couldn't.

I held her when she was awake though. Now, don't get me wrong, I
loved and love doing so. But there's something in wanting to hold
the woman you love when she sleeps.

That's why I treasure the moment, now. To be able to snuggle with her as she drifts off to sleep... that's...

I just can't help but think: she's finally resting here with me.


♥ c

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